Join us for our first ever
Annual Combat Veterans Outreach Clay Shoot
September 23, 2023
At 9:00 am
San Angelo ClayBird Association

Registration starts at 8:00 am
Shooting starts at 9:30 am
Single Shooter Registration $175
Day of Registration increases to $200
PPE is Required
Mandatory Eyewear and Hearing Protection
You will need to either bring your own or you may choose to purchase PPE from us for $5
Awesome Door Prizes, 3 Gun Boards, and an Auction
Food and drinks will be provided for shooters and volunteers.
Guests may join Shooters and Volunteers for lunch at $15 per Guest
There will be awards for the “Top Shot” and Award for “Top team” on each course
there will also be awards for the top “Youth Shot” and “Woman Shot”
Sponsored Teams:
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